Beam Splitters

Contact Form Demo (#3)

Spectroscope is an optical element that divides a beam of light into two beams according to a certain reflection and transmission ratio. In the common laser optical system, illumination optical system and spectrometer optical system, the beam splitter is a common optical element. Users can divide the incident light according to the intensity, transmission and reflection percentage, transmission and reflection light polarization state according to the specific application requirements.

Borisun can provide K9 broadband beam splitter, elliptical broadband beam splitter, aluminized dot matrix beam splitter, ultraviolet fused silica aluminized dot matrix beam splitter, ultraviolet beam splitter wedge, calcium fluoride (CaF2) infrared broadband beam splitter wedge, zinc selenide (ZnSe) infrared broadband beam splitter wedge, standard cubic beam splitter, polarized cubic beam splitter (PBS) Depolarizing beam splitting prism (also known as non polarizing beam splitting prism) and other standard beam splitting elements. The function of depolarizing beam splitter prism is to divide the intensity of incident light according to a certain reflection and transmission ratio, so it is an ideal beam splitter in controlling the application of laser beam. The function of polarization beam splitter (PBS) is to divide the incident light according to a certain percentage of reflected and transmitted light according to the polarization state of the corresponding light. It is mainly used in the field of laser research and corresponding optical instrument products.

Contact Form Demo (#3)