RGB high mirror

Contact Form Demo (#3)

RGB high mirror

Red high reflection mirror, HR650nm, high reflectivity greater than 97%

Green high reflection mirror, HR532nm, high reflectivity greater than 97%

Blue high reflection mirror, HR473nm, high reflectivity greater than 97%

It is suitable for laser devices, optical instruments, front surface reflection system, display screen, projector and high reflection mirror with high reflection requirements. Good face.

high reflective mirror
Technical parameters
Items Parameters
Product index customizable
Reflection band 400-1100nm Customizable
Reflectiveness >95%; >97%; >99%
Coating Aluminum coating, UV reflective aluminum coating, silver coating, gold coating
Reflection angle 0° 30° 45° 57°
Materials optical glass, H-K9L (N-BK7)
Surface quality 60-40 40-20 20-10
spectral curve

In addition, We can customize the optical Mirrors according to customer requirements or drawings.

For details, please consult:

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Contact Form Demo (#3)