K9 Right angle mirror

Contact Form Demo (#3)

The base of the right angle mirror is an isosceles right angle triangular prism, and the reflecting surface is the outer surface of the inclined plane. The right angle mirror is easy to place, so that the reflecting surface is perpendicular or 45 ° to the working plane. Right angle mirrors are usually used to turn the light 90 ° and bend the image path. They can also be used to offset the beam or synthesize the image.

Borisun optics support customized elliptical mirrors coated with a variety of reflective coatings. The options of reflective films include ordinary protective aluminum film, ultraviolet protective aluminum coating, protective silver coating, protective gold coating and dielectric high reflection coating.

Technical parameters
Items Parameters
Material optical glass, H-K9L (N-BK7)
Radius of curvature ± 1mm - ± 50000mm ± 1%
Diameter 3mm-300mm ± 0.1mm
Center thickness tolerance ± 0.05mm (we can process to ± 0.01mm with high precision)
Center deviation 3′(we can process to 30 ″with high precision)
Surface accuracy λ/ 8 (high precision, we can process to 1 / 10λ)
Surface quality 40/20 (we can process to 10-5 with high precision)
Effective caliber ≥90%
Coating see table
spectral curve

In addition, We can customize the optical window according to customer requirements or drawings.

For details, please consult:

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Contact Form Demo (#3)