Cylindrical Lenses

Contact Form Demo (#3)

Cylindrical lenses is an aspherical lens, which can effectively reduce spherical aberration and chromatic aberration. It is divided into plano convex cylindrical lens, plano concave cylindrical lens, biconvex cylindrical lens, double concave cylindrical lens, meniscus cylindrical lens, cylindrical intersection cylindrical lens and special-shaped cylindrical lens. It has one-dimensional amplification function.

The plano convex cylindrical lens will focus the incident light on the line with positive focal length. It is composed of a plane and a convex cylinder. It is often used to focus parallel or divergent beams on the line or change the aspect ratio of the image. The plano concave cylindrical lens is composed of a plane and a concave cylinder, and its focal length is negative. It is often used to focus parallel or divergent beams on the line or change the aspect ratio of the image.

Contact Form Demo (#3)