Product News

beam splitter
Product Knowledge

Operating principle of beam splitter

The splitter is used for DVD/VCD laser reading, DLP/LCoS projection display, optical instruments, optical communications, and industrial cameras. The splitter reflects part of the incident

beam splitter
Product Knowledge

Advantages of 45 ° Polarization Splitter

The role of depolarization beam splitter prism is to divide the incident light intensity according to a certain reflection and transmission ratio, so it is

plane concave lens k9
Product Knowledge

Plano convex lens used fields

Plano convex lens is widely used in transmitter, detector, laser and other fields Optical Lens is a transparent optical device that can affect the wavefront

Silicon plano convex lens
Product Knowledge

Infrared thermal imaging silicon window

Performance of the product: double-sided mirror polishing (optical grade) Due to the good infrared spectral characteristics and physical properties of monocrystalline silicon, the infrared sensor

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