Product News

Product News

Working principle of reflector mirror

Mirror is an optical element that works according to the law of reflection. Reflector mirror can be divided into three types according to shape: plane

Product News

the production process of cylindrical lens

The production process of cylindrical lens mainly includes rough grinding, fine grinding, polishing, centering and edging. Coarse grinding cylindrical lens: Generally, the rough grinding of

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Classification and use of prisms

When you lift a prisms, you will think of a colorful picture. This is because the prism is formed by processing transparent optical glass. Each

Sapphire Optical lens
Product News

Fluoride optical crystal

Fluoride optical crystal products include calcium fluoride (CaF2), barium fluoride (BaF2), lithium fluoride (LiF) and other alkaline earth metal ion fluoride crystals. The light transmission

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